2016 Graduate and Life Sciences Education Undergraduate Student Leadership Award

2016 Graduate and Life Sciences Education Undergraduate Student Leadership Award

Revised January 2016

DEADLINE: February 25, 2016

Graduate and Life Sciences Education, Faculty of Medicine will award up to three annual Undergraduate Student Leadership Awards in Life Sciences.  The purpose of these awards is to provide opportunities for our undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine, Arts and Science Programs to be recognized for their leadership and scholarship.  We are recognizing these students for their outstanding contributions to academic and student life at the University of Toronto.  The award carries a value of $500 each.

Eligibility extends to all undergraduate students who hold full time enrollment in a third or fourth year specialist and/or major program in a Basic Science department and in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology in the Faculty of Medicine.

Candidates for these awards must be nominated by the undergraduate coordinator through their departmental undergraduate program office.  Each department should nominate two students for consideration.  A previous winner may not be re-nominated for a GLSE Student Leadership Award.

To assess excellence in leadership and in academic activities.  The following will be considered in reviewing each nominee:

A. Leadership (University)
- Faculty, department committees and/or governance

B. Leadership (Community)
- Mentoring (e.g: undergraduate, high school)
- Student associations/unions/clubs
- Student life

C. Scholarship
- Course and Laboratory Work
- Research Activities

D. Letters of Support
- Philosophy, interest and enthusiasm
- Strength of support

Nomination Process:
The primary nominator who is the undergraduate coordinator will fill out and submit the nomination form and inform the nominee of the nomination.  The nominator and nominee are jointly responsible to ensure that required documentation as listed on the nomination form is submitted, including:

  • Completed nomination form
  • Nominating letter from undergraduate coordinator (1 page summary of the nominee’s contributions to student leadership and academic activities)
  • Nominee’s statement of Leadership Philosophy and Activity (max. 1 page)
  • Transcript
  • Current Abridged Curriculum Vitae (Time commitment required)

Nomination forms and documentation should be sent by the Department electronically to the Administrative Coordinator, Life Sciences Education at natasha.lowe@utoronto.ca


Selection Process:
Nomination files will be reviewed by a GLSE committee and winners recommended to the Vice Dean, Graduate and Life Sciences Education.

Please Note:  It is the responsibility of the department to communicate all award/payment/reporting details to the student, and to acknowledge the student at an awards ceremony.

GLSE Student Leadership Awrd Checklist Nomination Form_Jan 2016.pdf